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Message Templates

Cellmobs currently supports three different message types to cater to various communication needs within applications. These message types include Emails, SMS/Text messages, and internal messages, which can be used for User-to-User and Organization-to-User communications, as well as general system notifications.


Push notifications and integrations with third party messaging platform are in development and will be available later this year.

The messages are sent based on platform and application events, some of which can be configured, while others are native to the Cellmobs platform.

Here's an overview of each message type:


Email messages are the default communication method for delivering important information, updates, and notifications. Cellmobs supports sending email messages to users based on triggered events within the application, such as account registration, password resets, and promotional updates. Developers can customize the email templates, ensuring that the content aligns with the application's branding and communication strategy.

Emails are sent via AWS's Simple Email Service (SES) and as such require you to validate a valid email address with SES if you would like to use your own email for delivering email messages to your users.

Text Messages

SMS/Text messages: SMS or text messages offer a fast and direct way to communicate with users. Cellmobs supports sending SMS messages based on application events, such as order confirmations, account verification codes, and time-sensitive alerts. Integration with Twilio ensures reliable and prompt delivery of SMS messages to users' mobile devices, enhancing user engagement and responsiveness.

To get started with text messages be sure to signup with Twilio to obtain API credentials api token and configure them as global settings in your app.

Internal Messages (IM)

Internal messages are an essential component of User-to-User and Organization-to-User communication within the Cellmobs platform. These messages facilitate direct communication between users, as well as between an organization and its users. Internal messages can be used for a variety of purposes, including support requests, user feedback, or system notifications (e.g., activity confirmations, upcoming maintenance or new feature announcements).

Editing Templates

All message templates in Cellmobs are based on the Freemarker template format, a widely-used, powerful, and flexible template engine for Java-based applications. Freemarker enables developers to create dynamic and customizable message templates for Emails, SMS/Text messages, and internal messages, ensuring consistent and engaging communication experiences within their application (see Technologies for more details).

Message Templates

Message Template Editor

Click here for more details on how to Manage Templates and how to create custom templates and use them in your application.

System Templates

Template Type Subject
account-invitation EMAIL Account Invitation
lead-auto-reply EMAIL Auto Reponse to Contact Form or Lead
datapoint-api-request-limit-alert EMAIL API Requests Limit Reached
contact-request-alert EMAIL Contact Request Alert
datapoint-dns-not-found-alert EMAIL DNS Not Found
datapoint-db-storage-alert EMAIL DataPoint DB Storage Low Alert
datapoint-file-storage-alert EMAIL File Storage Low
datapoint-free-tier-exceeded-alert EMAIL Free Tier Exceeded
datapoint-many-errors-alert EMAIL Too Many Errors Alert
datapoint-service-impaired-alert EMAIL Service Impaired
general-custom-email EMAIL General Custom Email
im-entity-process-alert-failure IM Entity Process Failed!
im-entity-process-alert-success IM Entity Process Success!
order-maintenance-work-order EMAIL Maintenance Work Order
organization-email-share EMAIL Organization Email Share
organization-invite EMAIL Organization Invite
organization-invite-accept EMAIL Organization Invite Accept
organization-join-confirmation EMAIL Join Organization Confirmation
organization-join-request EMAIL Join Organization Request
organization-message EMAIL Organization Message
organization-message-confirmation EMAIL Organization Message Delivery Confirmation
organization-order-alert EMAIL Booking Alert aka Organization Order Alert
organization-order-approval-request EMAIL Organization Order Approval Request
organization-order-confirmation EMAIL Organization Order Confirmation
organization-order-invoice EMAIL Organization Order Invoice Link
organization-order-no-payment-method EMAIL No Valid Payment Method
organization-order-transaction-receipt EMAIL Order Transaction Receipt
organization-role-change EMAIL Organization Role Change
organization-subscription-cancellation EMAIL Organization Subscription Cancellation
organization-subscription-trial-ends EMAIL Organization Subscription Trial Ends
organization-subscription-update EMAIL Organization Subscription Update Confirmation
organization-transaction-receipt EMAIL organization-transaction-receipt
password-reset EMAIL Password Reset Confirmation
password-reset-request EMAIL Password Recovery
password-reset-request-console EMAIL Password Recovery
registration-confirmation EMAIL Registration Confirmation
registration-welcome EMAIL Registration Welcome
share-inbox EMAIL Share Identity Inbox
tell-a-friend EMAIL Tell a Friend
usage-file-storage-alert EMAIL DataPoint File Storage Alert